在线时间 小时
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"星期一"}, {L"星期二"}, {L"星期三"}, {L"星期四"}, {L"星期五"}, {L"星期六"}, {L"星期日"}};
Build started: Project: Fire_H7
*** Using Compiler 'V5.06 update 6 (build 750)', folder: 'C:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\Bin'
Build target 'Fire_H7'
compiling GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c...
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c(29): error: #144: a value of type "unsigned short [7]" cannot be used to initialize an entity of type "const WCHAR [4]"
const WCHAR Week_List[][4] = {{L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}, {L"??????"}};
..\..\User\app\Board_App\clock\GUI_CLOCK_DIALOG.c: 0 warnings, 7 errors
"..\..\Output\Fire_H7.axf" - 7 Error(s), 0 Warning(s).