在线时间 小时
- usage[0x80000]
- Rga resize: resize error for status: Fatal error: Failed to call RockChipRga interface, query log to find the cause of failure.
- RgaBlit(1465) RGA_BLIT fail: Invalid argument
- RgaBlit(1466) RGA_BLIT fail: Invalid argument
- fd-vir-phy-hnd-format[0, 0x7f7433c010, (nil), 0, 0]
- rect[0, 0, 1280, 720, 1280, 720, 2560, 0]
- f-blend-size-rotation-col-log-mmu[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
- fd-vir-phy-hnd-format[0, 0x7f73ebc010, (nil), 0, 0]
- rect[0, 0, 416, 416, 416, 416, 512, 0]
- f-blend-size-rotation-col-log-mmu[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1]
- This output the user patamaters when rga call blit fail
- srect[x,y,w,h] = [0, 0, 0, 0] src[w,h,ws,hs] = [1280, 720, 1280, 720]
- drect[x,y,w,h] = [0, 0, 0, 0] dst[w,h,ws,hs] = [416, 416, 416, 416]
复制代码 鲁班猫的RGA信息
- rga_api version 1.8.0_[0]
- RGA vendor : Rockchip Electronics Co.,Ltd.
- RGA_api version : v1.8.0_[0]
- RGA version : RGA_2_Enhance
- Max input : 8192x8192
- Max output : 4096x4096
- Byte stride : 4 byte
- Scale limit : 0.0625 ~ 16
- Input support format : RGBA_8888 RGB_888 RGB_565 RGBA_4444 RGBA_5551 YUV420_sp_8bit YUV420_sp_10bit YUV420_p_8bit YUV420_p_10bit YUV422_sp_8bit YUV422_sp_10bit YUV422_p_8bit YUV422_p_10bit YUYV422 YUV400/Y4
- output support format : RGBA_8888 RGB_888 RGB_565 RGBA_4444 RGBA_5551 YUV420_sp_8bit YUV420_p_8bit YUV422_sp_8bit YUV422_p_8bit YUYV420 YUYV422 YUV400/Y4
- RGA feature : color_fill color_palette ROP quantize src1_r2y_csc dst_full_csc
- expected performance : max 2 pixel/cycle
复制代码 很奇怪,这个程序在瑞芯微的SoC上运行不会报错的,移植到鲁班猫中运行就出现这样的情况。请问一下这回事什么情况?